Our Team
Dr Irena Idel
Irena has a focus on empowering women with chronic medical conditions, medical risk factors and acquired medical complications of pregnancy, to participate in a preventative and proactive approach to maternal and fetal wellbeing, aiming for improved ‘whole-of-life’ health outcomes.
Irena graduated with Honours from Monash University and completed her Physician training in Nephrology with a fellowship in Obstetric Medicine in 2011. She is an Obstetric Medicine physician, and clinical lead for the Department of Obstetric Medicine, at Eastern Health and Cabrini Hospital. Her other public appointment is as a Nephrologist at Eastern Health. Irena has served as a Council member with the Society of Obstetric Medicine Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ); and was awarded a SOMANZ certificate of Obstetric Medicine in 2018, in acknowledgement of clinical experience and contribution to the field. She is actively involved in Obstetric Medicine teaching and research.
Dr Catherine Brumby
Catherine is a highly dedicated and motivated clinician with both local and international experience in caring for women with medically complicated pregnancies. She holds a public appointment as a Nephrologist at Eastern Health, which is complemented by regular Obstetric Medicine involvement and teaching commitments. She is a passionate and tenacious researcher with a mission to improve medical knowledge and clinical practice in the care of women with chronic diseases and acquired medical complications of pregnancy. She has completed a PhD which focuses on hypertension in pregnancy and the optimisation of long-term maternal health. She has also pursued primary research in pregnancy-related liver dysfunction, acute kidney injury and chronic hypertension in pregnancy and post-partum. Catherine is a strong advocate for both personalised and holistic medical care.